tisdag, april 23


Ajaj, min rygg gör ont. fick till och med gå hem från jobb igår för jag kalarar inte av det. låg hela em på soffan. *suck*


torsdag, april 18


Josie har skött sej så fint under clinicen! Jag fick löst varför hon har hängt sej i höger sidan. Så länge jag ridit på tvä händer har det gått bra, men på en hand har hon kämpat emot. Hon fick stå med bungys och rubbersnaffle sen va det löst!

I slutet nu kunde jag rida runt på världen slack och bara chilla! Underbara häst! :D

That's all, LH ♥

måndag, april 15

Trainer impact, huh?

With the risk to be called totally insane and out of mind, I have to tell you all about this!

This thing about trainers impact of their pupils, I think it's different to everyone. But no matter what you, as a student, should feel some kind of responsibility to practice what you was told last time you was on a clinic or session. How ever, if you feel you haven't practised enough you will have anexity, at least if you're just a little bit like me.

I belive, or actually know, that my trainers expect a lot of me when coming to a clinic, just as much as I expect of them to help me out with trouble shooting and solving issues. I get a bad feeling over my self when not riding enough and practicing.

Bla bla, to get to the point, I had a real strange way of showing my anexity to my self. Since it's clinic for the best of the best Mr Mark Shaffer on Wednesday and I feel I haven't been riding enough to prepare to it. (I have started with my loping serpentine work though!!!)

Well, while sleeping the other night a familiar face showed up in a dream, just standing there waiting fo me to wake up in my dream. As soon as I opened my eyes a voice told me to get out of bed a get my horse ready for the pleasure class I was going to show in later that day. Next vision was in the saddle, MS standing in the middle of the arena telling me to put another 5kilos pressure on that spur. That was the last thing I rememberd.

It that trainer impact when you even can't sleep alone or just insanity. Now I'm off to the indoor riding arena , Josie is out in the stall with her rubber snaffle, she was a bit heavy yesterday.

That's all, LH ♥

onsdag, april 3


Det är rätt sjukt ändå - hur mycket kan man gråta egentligen?
-För nån man egentligen inte känner utan och innan
-För nån man egentligen bara träffar på fester eller krogen nu mera
-För nån som tidigare bara var en återkommande kund på macken
-För nån som egentligen av bara sin närvaro skänkte människor glädje

Helt sjukt egentligen att det händer överhuvudtaget med facit i hand, tre gånger innan, nån gång skulle det vara nån som skulle mista livet, men varför du?

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