tisdag, oktober 20

Heeey dear bloggisar! ;)

I'm in a good mood and feel like writing in english today aswell. I went swiming early this morning, just as I told you earlier. Anyway, it was wonderful even though there' was a lot of other people in the pool.

Anyway, I'm right now in school waiting for the bus, little less fun, but anyhow, I will soon be going home. At home the stable oand Smokie is waiting for me to arrive, I have to clean the dung out and after that I want to go to the indoor riding arena. I'll need to talk to Mum about it.

You know, you don't have to prove anything to me. I alredy know who you are. Spedin time with you is just because I personally want to, there's nothin in it for me. I mean, you don't have anything I want or need except youself maybe. Cool down a bit and relax. Spendin time with you isn't for my winning, most probably your own.

Puss så länge babes(L)

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